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AMOrg website Forum
What would you like to see on the Advocate Ministries.Org website? Or do you have questions about how to use the site? Here you can suggest or submit a site to be added to the Advocate Ministries.Org website. If it has to do with the site, post here.
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- 1 year, 9 months ago
Current News Events Forum
If it's news, we want to explore it. None of us have faith in the news media today, but God is giving many discernment and allowing data to come from less mainstream, but more reliable sources. If it happened recently, let's share our insights, compare it to what we've known before or what other sources are saying and discuss how we can face, or change or survive these events. You can upload links to published newscasts or reports here.
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- 1 year, 9 months ago
Forums For Abuse Survivors
As The darkness in the earth grows, the light of the Gospel is shining brighter, drawing those bound in darkness to the Light of God's love and grace like moths to a flame. Here is where the hopeless can chat with those who have been there. Those who are facing their past trials to find new healing and growth can post their fears, experiences and questions to receive hope and guidance from the Body of Christ. If you've been through the fire of abuse, share your testimony or read the posts of those who are where you used to be and see how God can use you in their lives. Maybe you'll find encouragement too. For as you give, you shall receive.... If you want to share an article or report or teaching on SRAs or abuse surviorship you can upload them here. If you're a caregiver or minister to these population groups and want to submit your ministry for inclusion on this site, submit a client for SRA support services or have your own articles to share, please use the Contact Lisa link on the contact page.
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Political Events From A Spiritual Perspective Forum
Voting tampering, false persecution in the political arena, conservative censorship, judicial manipulation, the coming elections....all these topics are sure to make for some interesting posts. Come see who's up and coming and who's down and dirty....but keep it clean. We all love the Lord here and know that He orders governments and turns the hearts of kings. Share what your fellow sibling voters and citizens need to know, but be ready to agree to disagree. If you have a published article or news post you want to share you can upload the link here. If you are a commentator or minister addressing these issues and have your own articles, website or sources you'd like to share, please email us links to your site or copies of your writings.
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Prayer Requests Forum
This forum is to post your prayer requests and share your answers to prayer. Read through the needs and lift up your brothers and sisters to the Lord. Drop a line of encouragement or a word of knowledge, should Holy Spirit lead you thus. Prayer for the Body during this time is THE most valuable area of prepping for believers. Share your gifts, your testimonies of answered prayer and your voice of agreement.
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Preppers Forum
How many pounds of food do you need as backup for your family? How do you raise chickens? Need help with canning or learning the basics of solar? What's worth your dollar to purchase and which things can you really do without? If you have felt the need to begin to prepare for another pandemic or a political / social crisis, come check out what folks are sharing. If you've been prepping for a while, share what you've learned. You can post text and links to prepper sites and recommend products. Link to your website if you have one and let others know what direction the Lord has been leading you in and why. And above all, share how you are spiritually preparing for the trials to come. God is calling His remnant to prepare, but we don't survive just to live, we survive for the sake of the Gospel. We survive to be light when all else grows dark. Logistical prepping can never take the place of spiritual prepping, so be sure to share how the Lord has lead you in different or new ways in your prayer time, family worship and social witness.
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- 1 year, 9 months ago
Spiritual Growth Forum
Whether it's how to study the Bible or love difficult people, let's talk about it and encourage one another with what has helped us grow in the desert and storms of our lives. You can upload links to your favorite online teachers here. If you have a ministry of your own or writings on spiritual growth you'd like to be considered as a regular contribution to the AMO community, please contact us via email with your site links and one of your compositions.
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Spiritual Warfare Forum
How do you recognize a spiritual attack? How do you fight for the salvation of a loved one? This is bootcamp, the war-room; a place to learn how to wage war effectively in the Spirit. The battle is heating up and intel is key. Share what you know, victories you've won, and encourage others who may be weary in the fight. Be sure to check out our page on spiritual warfare where we share articles and teachings on the subject. You can post links to other teachers online here with the menus given in the task bar. If you have a ministry in warfare or deliverance or articles and teaching of your own to share, please contact us via email with links to your site or data online and attach an article or composition for consideration.
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- 1 year, 9 months ago
Surviving The Changing Global Economy Forum
The cashless society? Global market changes? How do you plan for your financial future? Follow these threads for answers or post some yourself. The Kingdom is one of resources. We know our God can provide manna and water in the desert, but we are a Joseph generation, planning for the coming changes leading to famine. We know the path ahead may be difficult, but God is giving many in this hour wisdom on how to financially prepare. Come join the conversation and see what silos He has for you to fill and where to sow for future harvest.
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Topics of Interest
A forum to share about the articles you've read of importance or general interest on any topic not addressed in other forums. Maybe you just want to post a pondering like "Have you ever thought about...?" Or, the Lord seemed to say to me today, ______________. Chat about issues, interests, general articles,whatever, and upload links to them for inclusion on the articles page of this site where possible. If you're a writer and have an article blurb or teaching you'd like to share you can either upload a link if it's posted online or contact us to email it to us for review.
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Treasures Out Of Darkness Forum
Those who have been programmed for years to carry out assignments for the organizations ruled by the Kingdom of Darkness often carry valuable information about current and potential future events. Many have been present at dark cabal meetings of black coat groups often named by theorists and credited with the rise and fall of nations for centuries. As these dear souls are drawn to salvation and go through their healing, they deal with their past experiences to allow the Lord to heal those memories and traumas. During their healing they often reveal information about things the media and "powers that be" do not share and would rather hide. Here is where such bits of information are shared and where you can ask questions or add your knowledge. None of us knows everything, but God is allowing even the youngest in the faith to contribute to the welfare of the Body of Christ in this hour. Check out these threads to get a glimpse of what the enemy wants hidden see who might just be the wizard(s) behind the curtain. You can post links to published verified articles or data here via the task bar. If you have other sources of info about these orgs, please email us before linking to them. If you have articles of your own with info gleaned from working with SRAs or in deliverance, please Contact Lisa with that info. Not all christians are at the same maturity level and can handle all info about all global spiritual warfare issues. AMO is here to build faith, not fear.
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- 1 year, 9 months ago
AMOrg website Forum