THE MOST RECENT PODCAST IN THE “Fear Said, “Don’t”… So I Did” * series.

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Life hands us unexpected trials. They rarely happen when we’re prepared for them, and at the time they occur we may wonder how we’ll ever overcome them. But God has promised to be with us and that regardless of the trial, He will give us beauty for ashes when the things of our life seem to be burned to dust.

Enjoy this story of how God used a tragedy on the road to birth new life and answer a decades-old prayer in this inspiring teaching by Lisa Gwinn.

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Here is the best place to start in the series “Fear said “Don’t”…So I Did”*. Anxiety and fear are at alarming and nearly paralyzing levels for many in our world. As truth becomes rare and the lights of morality, values, humanity and reverence dim, uncertainty gives way to fear and the faith of many fails them. But we haven’t been made unaware of how the enemy uses his tools. Fear is his primary weapon and in this podcast you will learn to recognize and overcome it in an age when many would rather deny and succumb to it.

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We’re all capable of becoming so busy we let our prayer life go. Countless books have been written on how to maintain a vigilant prayer life. This isn’t on that topic, but rather on why we need to return to a “pray without ceasing” lifestyle today. Everything we have relied on for vision, focus, and safety is rapidly becoming unreliable and it’s harder to know truth from lies. We can either “Pray or Be Prey”* Tune in to this podcast if you’ve been overwhelmed with busy-ness to understand why the increased demands on your time and resources have become so prevalent and explore: Why God is allowing this deluge of obligations to happen now, What the fruit of this season can be, And how you can use this time to fine tune your discernment and spiritual growth.

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Lisa faces her own fears on a lonely road when she deals with a disruptive dog, leading to a police encounter. You never know when God will orchestrate divine appointments in unexpected ways. Tune in to this podcast about how God brought an officer in need of prayer into the realm of her isolated journey. May He do so with all his children and turn the world upside down!

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Why do we hate fine print? It was the first tactic of the enemy. Today it’s an art form used instead of unspoiled truth. The key to defeating it is to recognize and refuse it in our own lives and practice. This is key to living above the deception of our time. Tune in to this episode on how to do just that and keep your ability to see and hear clearly in a time when all seem blinded by the epidemic of “side speak” explored in this podcast.

If you have a christian podcast you feel would be a good fit for our site, please email us a link to your media to see if we can partner to share our talents and info for the betterment of the Body of Christ and The Kingdom.