Why We’re Here and How We Came To Be

This ministry was originally established to help minister to those coming out of severe abuse, and particularly those involved in ritual abuse or known as SRAs. Government agencies attest that ritual abuse does not exist, however the very government agencies that make such claims are actually involved in and the creators of such abuse and programming tactics. (Click here for a recent report on the use of these tactics and the history within our highest intelligence agencies.) These dark cabals within major world nations are headed by an organization called The World Council, which oversees every occultic order or org for it’s own goals. This org has been involved in the rise and fall of nations and leaders, including Presidents, Prime Ministers and Kings for millennia.  Their stated goal has always been “To destroy the known world order, and from the ashes of that destruction, arise as the phoenix from the ashes to establish a new world order with our Chosen One as the head”.  They plan to do this in many calculated ways and their power is growing.  They think they are working their plans, but as believers in the Word of God we know they are simply fulfilling prophecy and the plans God had from the foundations of the earth.

God hasn’t left us ignorant of the devices of these evil men and organizations.  As the darkness in the earth grows, the light of the Gospel is growing brighter and many are being drawn to the truth of the love of God like moths to the flame.  What they bring with them is information from years of programming and involvement in The Order.  These converts with inside intel are and hold, treasures out of darkness.

 Lisa Gwinn was redeemed from this dark cabal as a direct result of having met and been ministered to by the founder of the ORIGINAL Advocate Ministries in Irondale Alabama, Bill French.  His life and work birthed a legacy of life changing ministry and helped bring the existence of this dark organization and it’s victims to light.  It is in his memory and after his passion for a community of ministries to stand for the Kingdom of God, that this Advocate Ministries is named.

 After Lisa went through her own deprogramming, deliverance and healing, she spoke of this organization, it’s tactics, and on the need for spiritual warfare to stand against them beginning in the early 1990s. She traveled and spoke on CBN, TCT, “It’s Supernatural” with Sid Roth, Family Life Radio, and others for many years exposing these organizations and revealing their current plans and members.  A simple online search can still show some of her videos from 30 years ago confirming that much of what she exposed then has been revealed or implemented now and in recent years.

Lisa’s early ministry work left her open to many attacks and left her with scars from multiple assassination attempts.  For years she lived off grid for the safety of herself and those she loved.  Through the years, she continued in more non-public forms of ministry and overcame many challenges, including severe spinal issues/surgeries and a fight with end stage esophageal cancer.  During her long cancer recovery beginning 2 days after the pandemic closed the United States she spent months watching the news and she knew she couldn’t stay in the background and do nothing.  Her heart was grieved by the lack of truth in the news, the tactics in media that are so blatantly obvious to her, and knowledge there were others coming out of the occult with little support and no one with whom they  could identify.  The Order rules by fear and all recruits are told they cannot leave and live.  Lisa’s life is testimony against that lie of the enemy.  So when her health allowed, she and her old caregivers decided to start this ministry as an online counseling and support resource for SRAs.  Their needs to defeat programming and the lies of a lifetime seemed to be the scope of the work, but Lisa came to understand that ALL believers have been victims of satanic or ritual programming.  Our media and entertainment, news and educational institutions have been using programming and desensitization practices on the general population for years.  Even the most mature Christian can have strongholds arising from receiving lies from news media, entertainment and religious institutions that have sacrificed truth for popularity and watered down the Gospel of liberty and righteousness to market churches run more as businesses, than holy institutions.

Over the past 2 years, as Lisa has worked with a few survivors via secure LAN and internet, it’s become obvious there needs to be a platform to share with the Community of Believers, those things being shared by these recent defectors from darkness.  Such a platform could also be a voice for those who see the tactics of the enemy and his people and have tools and information to more fully prepare the Body Of Christ for the struggles in our future.  That is how this site was born.

This site is free to browse and read. You can enjoy the podcasts and resources of the site, but in order to post to a forum or use the chats, develop groups, and participate in group meetings online in the future, you must register. It only requires a simple email and user name. no other info is required, however there are a couple optional questions that help the developers of the site with creating and maintaining various areas of interest for believers in various stages of growth or area of ministry. No personal information is ever sold or shared. Click the “Join Our Community” pic below to be taken to the members registration site.

This work is called Advocate MINISTRIES, not ministry. It is a community of believers sharing what they know when all the sources for such info seem to be clouded or tainted. It’s a place where we learn to grow in time of spiritual drought, discern in a time of deception, survive in time of famine and train for the spiritual war we all see is here. If your ministry is one you feel would fit this work, please submit it using the form below. Tell us what you teach, what you offer and provide the links to your site or online materials. We want to grow this ministry and develop relationship with others of like mind, so please don’t hesitate to submit.